Friday, June 25, 2010

They're coming to America....! (Neil Diamond, anyone?) Now you're going to have that song in your head the rest of today.  MUWAHAHA.

We leave in the middle of the night tonight.  I am exhausted.  And my back is in knots.  Tom is letting me rest for a few while he cleans the bathrooms.  Isn't he great?

I really, really hope the flight goes better than last time.  If not, someone start reserving me a spot at the mental hospital now.

We'll be in St. Louis for a few days, then we'll be in Utah through the month of July.  On our way to Texas near the beginning of August, we'll be stopping to see family in Colorado and New Mexico.

We have quite the summer ahead of us.

Now if we can just get through this flight.


Diamond said...

Oh my goodness! Happy and safe travels to you. At least this time you will have Tom with you, right?

taylor said...

Good luck, have a safe trip, and welcome home!! :)

Megan G said...

WAAAA!!!! Hope your trip is good and definitely not as eventful as last time! Love you guys!!!

Beth said...

Wishing you all the best this time!