Friday was a very special day for Tom and I. It was our 6th anniversary! But the problem with your anniversary being on a Friday in Jerusalem is that not much is open after lunch time, and Tom had a final in the morning. So we thought we'd try out a new place we had heard about called "Yummy Yummy" which is run by Arabs, so it was open on Friday night. I just have to say, they could not have picked a more appropriate name. It was DE-LISH! They even had CHEESEburgers, people! We're talkin' meat and cheese in one delicious wrapper and seasoned fries. Oh, sweet heaven. And that's not all. They had plasma tvs everywhere, so we sat and watched an episode of American Idol. I don't think I could have wiped the smile off of Tom's face if I had tried. Despite Joni's out-of-the-norm need to go to the bathroom about 100 times, we had a great night at Yummy Yummy. We stayed there way too long. Oh! And I have to mention all the sweet Arabs that were there. One family bought Joni some gum out of the little candy machine. Then when Jackson decided to kick (yes, kick!)the trays across the table and knock Joni's beloved Sprite crashing to the floor, the workers immediately got her a brand new one and brought it to her. And then as we were leaving, the workers also brought out a nice toy for each of the kids. I know I make a big fuss anytime someone is nice to us, but it really is a big deal to us.
They even had a big play-place for the kiddos! It was the first one we've ever seen here. The balls were nothing short of disgusting, but hey, the kids were happy, so whatev.
I fully recognize how cliche it is to gush about the hubby on your blog when anniversaries roll around, but I don't care. My husband is the best, so y'all are going to have to hear about it. So here's 10 things I love about Tom:
1. He knows the scriptures inside and out. Give him any name from any book of scripture, and he knows the whole darn story, the symbolism behind it, and how it can be applied to everyday life.
2. He cleans all the time and never complains about it.
3. He's nothing short of a genius. I would tell you how many languages he knows, but I have a hard time keeping track.
4. He is very considerate of me. As the last 6 years have gone by, he has gotten better and better at thinking of me and wondering what he can do to make my day, or my life, better.
5. He has an amazing testimony of the Savior. When I wonder how I can better use the atonement, or draw closer to Christ, I turn to Tom as my example.
6. He wrestles with the kids every chance he gets and they practically worship him for it (even though it's not uncommon for it to end it tears. Ha!).
7. He can push a stroller with two kids and many bags of groceries up huge Jerusalem hills faster than I can walk without pushing anything. What a stud.
8. He lets me drive because he knows I like it (when we have a car, that is).
9. He laughs at my jokes and tells me I'm funny.
10. Very often the thing he wants to talk about when we go to bed at night are ideas he has of how to be a better dad the next day.
Really my friends, do they come any better than that? I could go on, but it is after all a "weekend in review" so I am forced to move on.
The next day at church I'm pretty sure the teachers of Sunday School and Relief Society taught the best lessons I've ever heard. And if that wasn't enough, Presiding Bishop H. David Burton came and did a fireside for our little branch that night. It was amazing. He had us all spellbound. It was one of the most spiritually nourishing Sabbaths I've ever had.
This week is Tom's last week of school for the first semester, and then he's on a little bit of a break for the rest of the month. He'll have to write some papers, but we're hoping to go do some fun things, so stay tuned for our upcoming adventures.
2. He cleans all the time and never complains about it.
3. He's nothing short of a genius. I would tell you how many languages he knows, but I have a hard time keeping track.
4. He is very considerate of me. As the last 6 years have gone by, he has gotten better and better at thinking of me and wondering what he can do to make my day, or my life, better.
5. He has an amazing testimony of the Savior. When I wonder how I can better use the atonement, or draw closer to Christ, I turn to Tom as my example.
6. He wrestles with the kids every chance he gets and they practically worship him for it (even though it's not uncommon for it to end it tears. Ha!).
7. He can push a stroller with two kids and many bags of groceries up huge Jerusalem hills faster than I can walk without pushing anything. What a stud.
8. He lets me drive because he knows I like it (when we have a car, that is).
9. He laughs at my jokes and tells me I'm funny.
10. Very often the thing he wants to talk about when we go to bed at night are ideas he has of how to be a better dad the next day.
Really my friends, do they come any better than that? I could go on, but it is after all a "weekend in review" so I am forced to move on.
The next day at church I'm pretty sure the teachers of Sunday School and Relief Society taught the best lessons I've ever heard. And if that wasn't enough, Presiding Bishop H. David Burton came and did a fireside for our little branch that night. It was amazing. He had us all spellbound. It was one of the most spiritually nourishing Sabbaths I've ever had.
This week is Tom's last week of school for the first semester, and then he's on a little bit of a break for the rest of the month. He'll have to write some papers, but we're hoping to go do some fun things, so stay tuned for our upcoming adventures.
happy anniversary you guys! i'm glad you got a cheeseburger. i've been stressing over the whole no meat and cheese together thing. :)
Happy Anniversary. I too, have been stressing over the cheese issue. I feel guilty every time I have some, 'cause I think...Tom and Amy hardly get to have this!
Oh, and I forgot. Please tell Joni and Jackson to stop making their daddy cry when he wrestles with them. He will get a complex. I agree with the genius part....which or course, he gets from me...I wish.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY you guys! Sorry I am lame and didn't tell you till now... though I really was thinking of ya'll that day! So glad you had a good time... cheeseburgers and all. Tom, I love your chops.
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